The DailyDigi iOS App

This app uses a series of customized JSON cache files to create content that can be saved and viewed natively on the device.

I was excited to have the chance to work with Steph Clay of The DailyDigi again. She’s really fantastic.

The app is broken down into three sections: Challenge Me, News, and My Inspiration.

Challenge Me

Scrapbookers like to scrapbook, but (as with any hobbyist) a little motivation every now and again can work wonders.

The Challenge feature of the app generates a random set of conditions that the user must use to complete a layout. When they’re finished, the user can upload a picture of their composition to the group Flickr feed and save their Completed Challenge.

It’s fun, and there’s a cool little flip animation when the challenge conditions are revealed.


I wrote a little function that hooks into the WordPress sites for The DailyDigi and The DigiShow. It outputs a flat JSON cache file whenever either site is updated. That way, no matter how many millions of people wind up using the app, it won’t impact server performance.

Optimism the key to success, people.

Anyway, each JSON object contains all the data necessary for the iOS 5 JSON parser, and each news item is constructed on demand.

My Inspiration

All news items and Flickr pictures can be saved in the My Inspiration section for later viewing. I used the fantastic AQGridView for this, since no built-in iOS 5 frameworks really support this kind of layout.

The app is free, and is currently available for download.